Thursday, 1 October 2015


I met Rory McConville at Thought Bubble last year and talked about possibly collaborating down the line. Between other projects and life in general couldn't commit to anything longform.

Rory got back to me about doing little single page gag strips. So... we came up with this.

Tis but a page but great to collaborate with Rory, he's got great writing chops and really works hard at self-generating projects and work, commendable. The range of strips over on his Tumbr site are really worth taking in with a really nice diverse range of artists he's collaborated with so far. Hopefully get to work with him again down the line.

Over the last year, I've worked on a few things that were mainly black and white interior work so found myself a bit rusty when it came to colouring this page. The more things going on on the page the more it ends up feeling like you're slapping down random colours that don't work cohesively and at worst it all ends up hectic and garish.

For those that enjoy the layers of the onion, here's the pencils and inks...